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Premier Li’s Cuba visit deepens Chinese ties to Latin America

作者:韩晗  时间:2016-09-26  来源:Global Times

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Havana Saturday on the first Chinese premier's official visit to Cuba since the two countries established diplomatic ties 56 years ago. After the official visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2014, Li's visit, the second high-level exchange in two years, is definitely strengthening bilateral relations in general.

When Li arrived in Havana, he first expressed his confidence and goodwill about the current and future bilateral relationship between China and Cuba, saying, "I'm looking forward to deepening the two countries' traditional friendship, enhancing pragmatic cooperation, increasing people-to-people exchanges, and working together and promoting cooperation at a critical time for both countries, so as to carry forward China-Cuba relations on a higher level."

The bilateral relationship has had a long history before China and Cuba were established as modern countries. Chinese communities played a role in the success of the Cuban revolution. Today a monument stands in Havana praising their efforts.

Cuba was the first country in Latin America to establish diplomatic ties with China in 1960. Today in Havana's Chinatown, there is still a Chinese martial arts school and a traditional Chinese culture gallery. All of Havana's people take Chinese-made buses as the main form of public transportation. This is in addition to bilateral trade and economic relations.

As the biggest country in the Caribbean, Cuba has a crucial impact on the Caribbean region in term of politics, economy and culture. This will be important for Chinese relations with the region. For instance, the Colombian final peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia was reached on August 24 in Havana.

Cuba is deepening and widening its domestic socialist renewal so as to improve Cuba's international image and position, especially its relations with the West. Western countries intend to draw Cuba into international communities in their way, and welcome and support Cuba's reform. Therefore, Cuba has improved its relations with the Western world, but some new problems are emerging along with Cuba's reform. 

Both China and Cuba are two socialist countries carrying out comprehensive reform. We both are facing similar challenges and difficulties during the process. We can learn from each other and share the new thinking and theoretical progress in our governance for both the Party and the country.

Under the new international situation, Sino-Cuban relations also need more comprehensive coordination and exchange. Li's visit to Cuba has the mission to push bilateral relations forward on the strength of our strong roots and with fresh momentum.

During Li's visit to Cuba, the two sides signed more than 20 agreements concerning cooperation in the fields of economic technology, manufacturing capacity, industrialization, infrastructure, development planning, information and communication, environment protection, youth exchange, education, finance and so on. This indicates Sino-Cuban relations are extending far beyond traditional trade ties to more wide-ranging cooperation. 

The author is general secretary of the Center of Cuban Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn  Follow us on Twitter @GTopinion