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Ecuador’s Good Living Socialism: A Preliminary Study

作者:方旭飞  时间:2016-04-23  来源:《contemporary international relations》2016年4月

摘要:Ecuador adopted Good Living Socialism in 2007 under the leadership of President Rafael Correa. Good Living Socialism is derived from traditional thinking of Ecuadors indigenous peoples and is a rejection of neoliberalism. It can also be considered a product of the leftist politics of modern Latin America, especially the radical left. It is an important part of Socialism of the 21 st Century. Correa’s Good Living Socialism has made remarkable achievements in the political, economic, social and foreign ... 更多还原

基金:funded by Chinas National Social Sciences Fund. It is part of a larger study of political development models of non-western countries its number is 15ZDA033

关键词:political; uncertain; leadership; rejection; circumstances; outlook; thinking; politics; indigenous; challenges;

